Nucleating agent is a kind of new functional additive that can improve the physical and mechanical properties of products such as transparency, surface gloss, tensile strength, rigidity, heat distortion temperature, impact resistance, creep resistance, etc. by changing the crystallization behavior of resins . It is widely used in the production process of incompletely crystalline plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene in the automotive, home appliance, food, electronics, and medical fields. For instance, nucleating agent is a key material in the production of high-performance resins such as high melt index polypropylene, new high-rigidity, high-toughness, and high-crystallinity polypropylene, β-crystalline polypropylene, and modified polypropylene materials for automotive thin-walled applications. By adding specific nucleating agents, resins with improved transparency, rigidity, and toughness can be produced. With the significant increase in the domestic production of high-performance polypropylene that requires the addition of nucleating agents and the rapid growth in demand for automotive lightweighting and lithium battery separators, there is vast development potential for the nucleating agent market in.
Niitä on monenlaisiaydintämisaineet, ja niiden tuotteiden suorituskyky paranee edelleen. Ydintämisaineiden indusoimien eri kidemuotojen mukaan ne voidaan jakaa α-kiteisiin ydintämisaineisiin ja β-kiteisiin ydintämisaineisiin. Ja α-kiteiset ydintämisaineet voidaan edelleen luokitella epäorgaanisiin, orgaanisiin ja polymeerityyppeihin niiden rakenteellisten erojen perusteella. Epäorgaanisia ydintämisaineita ovat pääasiassa varhaisessa vaiheessa kehitetyt ydintämisaineet, kuten talkki, kalsiumoksidi ja kiille, jotka ovat halpoja ja helppoja saada, mutta joilla on huono läpinäkyvyys ja pinnan kiilto. Organic nucleating agents mainly include carboxylic acid metal salts, phosphate metal salts, sorbitol benzaldehyde derivatives, etc. Among them, sorbitol benzaldehyde derivatives are currently the most mature nucleating agents, with excellent performance and low prices, and have become the most actively developed, diverse, and largest-volume type of nucleating agents both domestically and internationally. Polymer nucleating agents are mainly high-melting-point polymeric nucleating agents, such as polyvinylcyclohexane and polyvinylpentane. β-crystalline nucleating agents mainly consist of two types: a small number of polycyclic compounds with quasi-planar structures, and those composed of certain dicarboxylic acids and oxides, hydroxides, and salts of metals from Group IIA of the periodic table. β-crystalline nucleating agents ensure the thermal deformation temperature of products while improving their impact resistance.
Tuotteet | Toiminnon kuvaus | Sovellukset |
Läpinäkyvä ydin | Se voi parantaa merkittävästi läpinäkyvyyttä hartsista, vähentäen utu yli 60%, samalla kun lämpövääristymälämpötilaa ja kiteytyslämpötilaa nostetaan hartsista 5 ~ 10 ℃, ja parantaa taivutuskerrointa 10 % ~ 15 %. Se myös lyhentää muovausjaksoa,
| Korkea sula -indeksi polypropeeni (tai korkea MI -polypropeeni) |
| Korkean sulamisindeksin polypropeeni, uusi korkean jäykkyyden, lujuuden ja kiteytymisen omaava polypropeeni, muunneltu polypropeenimateriaali autojen ohutseinäisiin sovelluksiin |
β-kiteinen karkaiseva ydin |
Postitusaika: 23.8.2024